ISSU Honouring Our Students Pow Wow 2021
Dancer Registration
If you want to be a dancer in our pow wow, please look below for more information about registration, music, release forms, and video submissions.
Calling all community pow wow dancers!
We are looking for video submissions from community dancers for the pow wow livestream. Songs will be sent to you via the contact information you provide on this form, along with filming and direction tips. Check your email, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated!
Register here to be a dancer for the pow wow!
Please use this licensed music from our host drum group Young Tribe Singers to film your dance so that the audio can legally be used in the video!
Release Forms
Once you have registered as a dancer, please click here to give permission for your video/image to be used in the pow wow livestream
After you have registered as a dancer and filled out your consent forms above, please submit your ad (video or image) to our Dropbox folder here to be part of the pow wow livestream!