ISSU Honouring Our Students Pow Wow 2021
Regional Indigenous Cancer Program
Toronto Central
Aaniin/ Shekoli/ Greetings community members of Tkaronto!
The Indigenous Cancer Program will be giving away swag bags to the first 25 people who write to us! When you send your email, please include: your name, mailing address, and telephone number.
Send to: Muriel.Lopez@rmp.uhn.ca
Miigwetch/ Wela’lioq/ Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!

The Toronto Central Regional Cancer Program (TCRCP), through a collaborative partnership with Ontario Health, is developing a Toronto Central Indigenous Cancer Plan (ICP). This plan is designed to improve cancer services with and for First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Urban Indigenous (FNIMUI) peoples in the Toronto Central region, and will be implemented in a way that reflects their unique and diverse needs, in a way that honours the Indigenous path to wellbeing.
Contact Information
Email: Muriel.Lopez@rmp.uhn.ca
Scan this QR code to go to the Indigenous Cancer Program's website to access information on the ICP along with Leonard Benoit, the Indigenous Patient Navigator’s contact and how he provides support to the First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and urban Indigenous communities in the GTA

More Information
Learn more about the Indigenous Patient Navigator, Leonard Benoit here: