ISSU Honouring Our Students Pow Wow 2021
RedSky Candles
My name is Jackie Esquimaux-Hamlin. I am and Anishnawbekwe from Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nations Reserve on the Manitoulin Island. After finishing high school in northern Ontario, I travelled to what we called at that time, the Hollywood of Canada, "Toronto". Once there I became involved with the Indigenous community and was able to further my education by obtaining a diploma in the field of Early Childhood Education.
After a few years of teaching and raising our family, my husband Brian and I decided to start a business, Red Sky Candles. His continued involvement in beekeeping projects in Toronto and the Peterborough area, promoting pollination awareness and environmental sustainability was the impetus that led us to our decision. We were able to use the renewable resources from our beehives.
Our grandson, Waaseya Giiwe Niibwin, (Jaden McGregor), also joined the business at an early age. Over the years his continued involvement has been a positive benefit for us all.
Apart from the unique flavours of honey we have created a variety of infused honeys using cedar, sage, birch, cranberries and other herbs and spices. The beeswax candles and beeswax art themes are inspired by nature, seasonal celebrations and cross-cultural interests.
Contact Information
Website: redskycandles.ca